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"What has Covid-19 taught [me]?"

Hot take: The realization that the government and health care oligarchs do not really care about my/your health.

Nuanced take: The vast amount of time, money and communications goes to treating the acute symptoms, not the underlying root cause.

Have we noticed there's very little MSM/social media news about early therapeutics for the WuFlu? Of particular interest to me can be found here: https://vladimirzelenkomd.com .

In addition, all sorts of studies showed correlation between high circulating vitamin D in the blood and good outcomes. Corollary: Low levels of vitamin D --> bad outcomes.

I believe what we need to do is to (bad English warning) "get fitter". Perhaps change the way we eat, embrace the sun, sleep and resistance exercise. I know, we're all busy, but YOU can do this because your quality of life depends upon it!

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